Wednesday, April 21, 2010

1st week (5/4/10 - 9/4/10)

1st day:

For the first day, I have been introduced to the short briefing session about KLIACS site working environment. The briefing was conducted by Mr. Kamarudin, Site Facilites Manager. After the session end, I have then been introduced to all the staff for welcoming a new trainee. At 10.30 am, I have done a site visit accompanied by Mr. Azir and Mr. Helmi for an inspection. The particulars that have been checked are tile testing (to check for emptiness and unlevel surface) and pressure drop inspection to check for leaking in a gas pipe line). From 2.00 pm until 5.15 pm, I have been told by Mr. Hafiz to read the Condition of Contract (CoC). The CoC contains information about the Integrated Transport Terminal project agreement between KLIA Holdings (PMC) and Ministry of Transport (client).

2nd day:

At the morning until 10.30 am, I have continued reading the CoC. I have seen the management team for the ITTBTS project. Starting from the client, Project Management Consultant(PMC), Main Contractor and Sub Contractor. Then, I proceed with studying the drawing of cold water pipe line and the floor plan drawing. At the evening, I have read the summary of mechanical services that have been applied at the project site. As I am a mechanical student, it is a must for me to know about it. At 4.00 pm, I have learned about Request for Inspection (RFI) procedure. Mr. Rosnizan has brief me about it. The RFI is a routine work for the engineer working with the PMC. The engineer need to fulfill at least 30% of the RFI received in a day. The RFI is done by inspecting the working done by the contractor with comparing to the shop drawing whether they follow the drawing or not. Then the engineer will sign the RFI and make a report about it. The rejected RFI will need to resubmit and re-inspect again.

3rd day:

In the morning, I have continued reading the mechanical services summary. I have read about Lifts and escalators services, LP gas system, Automatic Waste Collection System and Building Management System. At 10.30 am, I have read the project quality plan (PQP). PQP is a project quality target. It listed out all the objective need to be achieved by KLIACS regarding the ITTBTS project. At the evening, I have continued reading the PQP for further information about the objective. At 3.00 pm, I have accompanied Mr. Helmi for site inspection. We have looked at the lift installation by comparing the actual build with the shop drawing. We also do the material checking for the Auto Waste Collection System which is the cover. kin% n ? ontractor with comparing to the shop drawing whether they follow the drawing or not. Then the engineer will sign the RFI and make a report about it. The rejected RFI will need to resubmit and re-inspect again.

4th day:

In the morning, I have been told by Mr. Hafiz to read the PQSP. PQSP is a very important document because it listed out all the procedures committed in this project. I have gone through all the procedures by studying the flow charts given. Thus, I gained some basic understanding about the site working procedures in KLIACS. At 11 am, I have done an inspection with Mr. Helmi to look at the grill for air ventilation ducting and LPG pressure drop testing. After the lunch hour, I continued reading the PQSP to enhance my knowledge about the procedures. At 3 pm, I have been called for a meeting with the project manager(Mr. Mohd Fadzil Abd. Hadi) and the other staff at the front room. The meeting is about discussing project progress and also some issues related to the project.

5th day:

In the morning, I have read the mechanical services about air conditioning. I have found out that the building is using a centralized air conditioning system plus 24 hour air conditioning for IT and server room. The next is about studying the floor plan drawing. This is to make me familiar with the site area to ensure safety during site inspection. After lunch hour, I continued reading the mechanical services about fire protection. There are some familiar devices used in fire fighting which are sprinkler, wet riser, hose reel system, portable fire extinguisher and fixed CO2 extinguishing system. In the evening, I have listen to an experience sharing with Mr. Azir, senior staff. Since he has been working with KLIACS for 15 years, there are lot of experience he shared with me. Mostly about the ITTBTS project background. He has showed me some pictures regarding the project site before it was developed and the progress until the building is appeared right until now.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Salam (Peace be Upon You) to all readers.. (if there any :) )

This blog is purposely made for me to report my industrial training session. It is sort of diary of the day though i am not the type of person who likes to do this kind of 'diary-ing'. But since this is one of the assessment in my industrial training course, then i have no other choice. Whatever it is, this is actually a chance to improve my writing skills. Plus, I can keep track of what am I doing everyday.

I will try to update this blog once a week. It will summarize my activities for the whole week because I might have no time to update it daily.


As for the training part, I have been offered working with KLIA premier Holdings SDN. BHD. The company have nine subsidiaries involved in various field. Mine is in KLIA consultancy and services. For which I have been placed at one of its currently running project : Integrated Transport Terminal Southern Sector at Bandar Tasik Selatan. KLIACS is function as the Project Management Consultant (PMC) for this project. It works on behalf of its client, Ministry of Transport (MOT) to manage the project. The main contractor for this project is MAJU Holding SDN. BHD.

I have been assigned to help in the Mechanical services for this project. In the same time I may be exposed to the engineers routine work as well.

Inshaallah I will update my first week of training in the next post.

Pen off..